What's New?

Upcoming Annual General Meeting

October 20th, 2018

Our AGM is coming up on Oct 30th, starting at 7pm.  Please see the links to all thoses who have put their name forward to be part of the 2018-2019 board.

There are a few positions that we did not receive any nominations for;  Communications Chair, Fundraising Chair and Facilities Chair.  If you are interested in these positions please talk to any of our current board members to find out more information on these positions.

Annual Auction

October 14th, 2018

Our annual auction is coming fast!  Mark your calendar for Saturday, November 10th.  It will be held again this year at Brewsters in Bedford.  Paddles go on sale at 4:30pm, auction starts at 6pm.

If you are helping out with auction items, please see the attached donation letter to help you secure a donation.

Hope to see you there!!

Annual General Meeting

September 15th, 2018

The Cheema Annual General Meeting is coming up on Oct 30th. One of the purposes of the AGM is to elect a new Board for the 2018-2019 year. As per the club by-laws, all positions must be filled using a nomination process. The nomination form is below.

All positions are open and we are accepting nominations now. Many positions have current board members offering to return, but there are some positions that are currently “vacant” and in need of someone to fill it. Those “vacant” positions include High Performance Chair, Logistics Chair, Facilities Chair and Communications Chair.

To submit your name for a position, you must complete the nomination form, have someone move and second the nomination, and submit it to the club Secretary, Janie MacKinnon.  You must also sign the Cheema Board Member Code of Conduct. The deadline for nominations is 8:00 PM on 16 October 2018.

If you have any questions on the duties and responsibilities of any of the board positions, please feel free to reach out to the person currently filling that position. You can also reach out to Andrew Koch.

Clothing Order

July 26th, 2018

Clothing order has been organized!!!  Orders need to be submitted to Tall Ships by July 31st.  Please see the attached PDF and Excel version of the order form, depending on how you will be submitting your order.  This order is guaranteed to be available for pickup on August 23rd, just in time for Nationals!

All information on submitting your order is on the order form.

After School Program

July 25th, 2018

Cheema Aquatic Club will be offering an After School Program starting September 2018. The program will run from 2:00pm until 5:30pm Monday to Friday, also offering Full Day PD days. Cheema is well established in our community with close to 50 years experience in building our Canadian youth. Our program will take full advantage of our beautiful secluded 20 acre property, infrastructure and equipment, as well as the MacDonald Sports Parks that is adjacent to Cheema and are connected through our walking trails.

For more information on the program click here.

Paddle-a-Thon 2018

July 24th, 2018

2018 Paddle-A-Thon is just around the corner!  This year, paddlers will hit the water on August 14, 2018 to raise funds for Cheema's summer program.  Our goal is a lofty one...$15,000!!! Money raised will help fund our safety and summer program boat and equipment purchases and a NEW Lean To slated to be built this the Fall.

Participant pledge packages will be distributed on July 25 by the coaches of each program group.  If your child did not receive one, please contact Nadine.

Check out this year's fundraising incentives (there are both individual and team incentives) and some tips for fundraising success.

World Championships Send-off BBQ

July 24th, 2018

We will be having a send-off BBQ for our National Athletes who are going to Worlds on August 1st.  Michelle Russell, Craig Spence and Marshall Hughes will all be traveling to Portugal to compete at the 2018 ICF Canoe Sprint & Paracanoe World Championships from August 21st -25th.  Please join us on August 1 to wish these guys good luck!  We will be sparking up the BBQ with burgers and sausages.  We are asking members if they could contribute salads, sweets, and drinks for the event.  BBQ will start at 5pm.

New Regatta Tents on the Way!!!

July 24th, 2018

In late June, Sawyer Capes (High Performance), Matthew Casey (PaddleAll) and Elle MacKenzie (Summer Program) made a pitch to Jim Mills, President and CEO of Office Interiors Group to purchase some new Cheema branded tents . Mr. Mills, who had no direct connection to Cheema, agreed purchased three brand new 10 x 10 tents for Cheema, a contribution valued at $2,500.  The sponsorship pitch team made a GREAT impression and the tents are already on order. Keep an eye out for them at competitions later this summer. Thank you to Mr. Mills and Office Interiors Group for their support of our paddlers.

#Bucks4Boats Update

July 24th, 2018

On behalf of all the current and future paddlers of Cheema, we would like to say a big thank you to all who supported our #Bucks4Boats GoFundMe Campaign. We are pleased to report the grand total is $15,616 + $1,000 in Nelo bucks to be credited at purchase. It takes a lot of operational resources to run an organization like Cheema. To have funds dedicated for the sole purpose of improving our fleet is an amazing gift. Thank you everyone for your generosity and belief in the youth of our community. Stay tuned for a thank you video and other #Bucks4Boats celebrations to come.

Summer Program Open House

June 13th, 2018

We will be holding our Open House/Orientation Night on Thursday June 28th at 5pm - 7pm.

Drop into the club and join our open-house where you and your family can:

  • register an athlete for a program
  • get a tour of the facility
  • set up a canteen tab (cash, cheque or VISA)
  • ask questions about the program
  • meet the Summer Supervisor, Rick Storm and some of the coaches
  • purchase a Cheema singlet ( “jersey” required for regattas) - $40.00
  • meet and socialize with old and new members alike

Please note that Cheema is providing lifejackets’s for U13 and U-5 athletes as well as kneeling buns for canoeing included in your registration this year.  U11’s are expected to have their own lifejackets.  U13 and U15 athletes who own their own lifebelt will be permitted to use them this year, however for next year, all U11 to U15 athletes will be required to use a lifejacket when on the water.  This is a new policy which brings the Atlantic Division (A.D.C.K.C.) in line with national standards, Canoe Kayak Canada (C.K.C.) for the 2019 season.

***** If you have unwanted lifebelts/lifejackets taking up space in the garage or basement, the club is accepting donations for use with the summer program (U13 & U15).  Cheema is NOT purchasing lifebelts this year as they will be obsolete at the end of this season.

Cheema #Bucks4Boats

June 3rd, 2018

At Cheema, athletes at all levels experience fun, teamwork, the glory of victory and the agony of defeat.  They build character.  They become leaders.  Cheema launches dreams that fuel athletes to become Regional, National, World and Olympic champions.

None of this is possible, however, without a fundamental piece of equipment….a boat.

The 2018 PanAm Canoe Sprint Championships in Dartmouth provide us with the once in a lifetime opportunity to purchase top caliber boats at a significantly reduced price. We want to capitalize on the opportunity but our funds are limited. 

Helps us to help the youth of our community by donating to our #Bucks4Boats campaign. The youth summer program paddler, the weekend warrior, the PaddleAll athlete and the future national, world and Olympic champions will thank you.

#Bucks4Boats GoFundMe Campaign


Summer Program Sponsorship

June 2nd, 2018

Dr. Richard and Mrs. Kathy Bezanson of Bezanson Orthodontics in Fall River presented a cheque to Cheema summer program athletes for their donation towards the Summer Program.  Bezanson Orthodontics is the 2018 presenting sponsor of Cheema's Summer Paddling Program.  Their contribution of $7500 will help this summer be one of the best summers yet!

$10,000 Donation from HRM

May 28th, 2018

Councillor Steve Streatch visited Cheema on May 26th to present a $10,000 cheque from HRM. Councillor Streatch was able to see the impact of the donation first hand as our athletes showed off the "new to us" K4 purchased with the funds.

Candidate for Director at Large

May 27th, 2018

One Nomination has been received for vacant position of Director at Large.  This position will be voted on at the next board meeting on June 12th, at 7:30 at the club.  All members are welcome to come to the voting portion of the meeting.

Please see the attached nomination.

In-Person Summer Registration

May 23rd, 2018
We are holding an in-person registration this Saturday, May 26th from 9:30-11:30 at the club. If you haven't registered yet, or are interested but have some questions, come see us on Saturday.
We will also have our canteen organizer available to take money for canteen tabs.
Looking forward to seeing you there!


Membership Survey

April 23rd, 2018

With the completion of the Frank Garner Boat House project, it is now time to turn our thoughts to the future! We will be developing a new Strategic Plan that will guide us for the next three to five years.

To do this, Cheema must fully understand the environment in which we operate and how to strengthen the organization to meet current and future challenges.

We have engaged the services of Brenda Fair (Previous Cheema Commodore) of Fairwinds Training and Development to assist us in this strategic planning process. We would be very interested to hear your thoughts on the current and future direction for the club.

Please click on the link which will take you to a brief online survey which kicks off the consultative process.  All responses will be anonymous. The survey will only be live until May 7th, 2018.

Click here to complete the survey

The feedback gathered here will be very valuable for us as we move forward, and we very much appreciate your time and consideration.


Andrew Koch


Vacant Board Position

April 11th, 2018

Are you looking to be more active at the club? We have a board position open; the Director at Large position has become vacant. If you are interested in the position please contact Andrew Koch or Janie MacKinnon . They would be more than happy to tell you about the responsibilities of this postion.

Summer Supervisor Position

March 4th, 2018

Cheema Aquatic Club is accepting applications for Summer Supervisor for the upcoming 2018 Summer Program.

This position will run from May 21 to September 28.

Please see the attachment for more details on the position.

If this interests you, please forward a resume and cover letter to scottdsmith@eastlink.ca

Applications will be accepted until 5:00 pm on April 20, 2018.  No late applications will be considered.

Summer Program Coach Positions

March 4th, 2018

Cheema Aquatic Club is accepting applications for Coaching positions for the upcoming 2018 Summer Program.

The program will run from Tuesday, July 3rd to Friday, August 24th (8 weeks). Salary will commensurate with experience.

Cheema summer program coaches will:

  • support the vision of the head coach in implementing the summer training program
  • provide a safe and fun environment for summer athletes
  • promote a climate of respect for athletes, coaches, summer supervisor, officials and parents
  • support and develop the technical skills and fitness of Cheema paddlers
  • be a positive role model for athletes and represent Cheema Aquatic Club in a positive manner
  • provide weekly communications/updates (email) to athlete families

If this interests you, please forward a resume and cover letter to scottdsmith@eastlink.ca.

Applications will be accepted until 5:00 pm on April 27, 2018 – No Late Applications Will Be Considered

Summer Registration

January 21st, 2018

Summer Registration is now open!  Registration forms are available here, as well registration can be done online.

We will be holding an in-person registration day on Saturday, March 10 from 1pm-3pm at the Fall River Fire Hall.

Don't miss out, register early!