What's New?


August 16th, 2016

For the past two years, Cheema has hosted the Alumni BBQ & Rib Fest, completely funded and operated by our generous Alumni.  In keeping with hosting this alumni sponsored season end celebration, the 'Senior Paddlers' of Cheema presents FUNFEST2016 on Saturday, Sept 17th.  This season ending celebration will be held at Cheema immediately following the Cheema Awards Banquet.

Starting at 5:30pm, FunFest2016 will comprise of games for children, a beer garden, live music by none other than SLOWCOASTER, an amazing BBQ featuring Championship Ribs; bbq grilled chicken, world famous lobster chowder and a Create Your Own 1/3lb BBQ burgers!

Paddler, Neil Lang says he can’t wait to hear SlowCoaster live. This Maritime, East Coast Music Award winning band has toured the world; has had many hit songs played on the radio the last several years and really knows how to ‘rock the place’! They will perform their new hit song “Falling Satellites” along with many others. They sell out where ever they go and just recently were the head liners closing Stanfest. Neil says ‘I can’t imagine they’re playing for us here at Cheema and we’re really looking forward to a great show!”

The BBQ will feature our Annual Rib Fest competitors as they ‘smoke it out’ for bragging rights crowned by a select panel of judges.

Senior paddler, Kady Leard, one of the organizers says “ticket prices include both dinner and entertainment. Those that are 19 & over can attend the beer garden area while all others can enjoy the music from ‘outside the ropes’. Bring your favorite lawn chair and reserve your space early."

Tickets go on sale starting Saturday Aug 20th. They can be purchased from any of the senior paddlers.

Senior Hunter Morrissey, says, “ ticket prices were set so that they are very reasonable and affordable. It’s more about getting the Cheema Family out for a fun year end celebration.”

Prices are: 19 & over $20; 13 to 18 are $15 and 12 & under are only $10! Hunter’s brother Kingston says “we want this to be a Cheema Family event and we know it will sell out. So we’re not going to the public to sell tickets until Sept. 1st. So get your tickets soon so you don’t miss out. Bring some friends and help us ‘show off’ Cheema."

Senior Tom Hall says “as paddlers we are all very appreciative of the sacrifices and commitments our parents and coaches have made for us during the year and this is a way we can say thank you to all of them!”

Please contact any of our senior paddlers for more information:
Kady Keard, Tom Hall, Sammy Hall, Michelle Russell, Mike Sampson, Craig Spence, Peter Korisanszky, Peter Lakner, Hunter Morrissey, Kingston Morrissey, Josh Nowen, Mark Wiseman & Marshall Hughes.

Summer Clothing Order

July 24th, 2016

The clothing order deadline is August 1st in order to have it back in time for Nationals.  The order forms can be printed off or ordered online directly thru Tall Ships or by calling the shop during business hours.

**** Cheema is currently looking for a volunteer to take over the clothing orders (April, August and November).  With the current format Tall Ships does most of the work for Cheema.  If you would like to volunteer and help your club with clothing orders please contact Janie.

12th Annual Paddle-a-Thon

June 19th, 2016

Cheema will be holding their 12th Annual Paddle-a-Thon on July 27, 2016.  This summer, all money raised will used to purchase new boats and paddles for our summer program kids. 

Thank you for your support of Cheema, all contributions are greatly appreciated.

ADCKC June Newsletter

June 3rd, 2016

See the attached to view the June 2016 Newsletter.  Interesting information on Regatta Schedule, Safety Boat Schedule for Regattas, Upcoming and events and more.

Summer Calendar of Events

May 29th, 2016

See the attached calendar for all events for the 2016 paddling season.  The calendar includes Cheema events, CKC, Atlantic Division and World Sprint Events.


A Splash of Wine

May 15th, 2016

Spring Clean Up - Volunteers Needed

May 7th, 2016

Annual Spring Clean Up Will be taking place at Cheema and MacDonald Sports Park on Saturday, May 14th from 9am to 12pm.  Cheema is looking for Parent volunteers as well as the full participation of our athletes. If you have gardening tools such as rakes, gloves, clippers, pruning shears etc. please bring them along.  This is a great opportunity for Cheema to give back to the community by lending a hand at the park.  Wear your Cheema gear and let's make our club even better.......the best place to be this summer!

Joan Smith

Orientation Night

May 1st, 2016

Orientation for our summer programs will be help on Thursday, June 30th, from 5:30pm - 7:30pm.

If you are new to the club, this will give you a chance to have to look around and make your child's first day a success.  We will also have buns (used for war canoe), singlets and lifebelts for sale.  This is also a great time to put money on your child's tab for the canteen.  Coaches will also be available to meet and will be able to answer any questions you might have.

Cheema Clothing Order

April 30th, 2016

Please have your clothing orders in to Melissa at Tall Ships by May 12th.  Contact information for Melissa is at the bottom of the order form with methods of payment options.

Laurel Lea will be at the club on Saturday, May 7th from 9am - 11am with several samples.  You can also stop by Tall Ships to see samples and sizing.  For more information on the clothing order, please contact Laurel Lea at laurelleanelson@hotmail.com.

There will be another order in late July, early August arriving in time for Nationals.

Tickets on Sale Now!

April 28th, 2016

Registration is open!

April 3rd, 2016

Summer Registration & Info Session

February 13th, 2016

We will be holding our Summer Registration with an Information Session on Sunday, March 6th from 9:30 am - 11:30 am at the Gordon R. Snow Community Centre, located at 1359 Fall River Road, Fall River.  Looking forward to seeing you there!

Pancake Breakfast

January 11th, 2016

Cheema 50/50

January 1st, 2016

Starting June 2nd, Cheema will be having a weekly 50/50 draw.  This ongoing, weekly fundraiser will help the club raise money for the purchase of boats, paddles, and safety equipment.   Like it on Facebook at Cheema 50/50 to follow the weekly draws.

Ticket boxes will be located at:

  • The Vegetorium, Fall River/ Waverly, Hwy 2
  • Wellington Bakery, Wellington, Hwy 2
  • Kwik Way, Fall River Road
  • Cheema Aquatic Club, 1390 Cobequid Road

What more information?  Check out the attachments below.

Nova Scotia Gaming # AGD-102660-16

Cheema Gear

November 15th, 2015

For a limited time, Cheema gear will be available for order through Tall Ships Art Productions.  Please see attached order form and the available clothing.  Laura Lea Nelson will be at the club on Saturday, November 21st, from 8am-10am to take orders.  She will have a few samples there for sizing.  If you have any questions please contact Laura Lea.  Orders will be taken until November 25th to guarantee for Christmas delivery.  There will not be another order until late April, so if you would like to take advantage of items for Christmas and Florida, this will be your only chance.

Orders can also be faxed, phoned in or via email to Tall Ships until closing on November 25th.  Phone #'s and email can be found on the order form.

New Cheema Gear

October 29th, 2015

We are changing the order process for Cheema Gear.

The online order form has been temporarily removed from the web site. 

The new order form will be available in the next 2 weeks with NEW Cheema gear to replace items that have been discontinued.  A few items will be back by popular demand. 

This new order process will effect the times of year that orders can be placed.  

PLEASE NOTE: We will have THREE order dates a year, if you want items for Christmas, Florida or early spring you will need to place your order on the NOVEMBER Order Date, we will have a 2nd order date in late APRIL and the 3rd order date for late JULY so it is back in time for Nationals.  The actual dates will be announced when the order form and art work are released

Payment and sizing options will stay the same, you will still be able to pay/try on samples for your order with your credit card or cash by calling or dropping by Tall Ships.  

Please contact laurelleanelson@hotmail.com if you have any questions.

Cheema Auction

October 27th, 2015

Cheema's annual auction is set for November 14th, from 3-7 pm at Brewster's Pub in Bedford. Auction items are needed. You will find a donation letter below, which you can take to businesses, friends, employers to ask for a donation.  There will be a silent auction, cheer chest as well as the live auction.

This is our biggest fund raiser  of the year, so ask everyone you know if they have an item/service/tickets they could donate to be auctioned off. Let's make this the best one ever!!

Contact Janie MacKinnon for information kmackinnon@bellaliant.net

Annual General Meeting

October 17th, 2015

Annual General Meeting on October 26th at 7:30pm upstairs at Cheema. 

We are presently looking for volunteers board members or those who would be able to assist on committees for taking care of our facilities, fundraising and communications.  Please contact Darlene Sampson, if you are interested in volunteering as a Board Member or would like to submit your name for other volunteer activities. 

Important Dates

October 14th, 2015
  • November 14th – Cheema’s Annual Auction  - Brewster’s in Bedford
  • Feb. 6th  – Pancake breakfast – Brewster’s
  • TBA - Spring registration – selling of buns and belts
  • May 28th – Monte Carlo Night
  • June 25th – Wine tasting
  • July 27th – Paddle-A-Thon