What's New?
Additional Program Registration Now Open!
New Partnership with Beaverbank Physiotherapy
Book your appointment with Anita today!
Facilities Committee Seeking Volunteers - Fill Out Our Survey
Please complete the survey. Thank you for your support!
Active March Break Programs Now Open for Registration
NOW HIRING - Join our crew for the Summer of 2024!
Mark Your Calendars - Summer Registration Opens February 3
Annual General Meeting Update
Cheema's Annual General Meeting was held on November 30th, 2023.
The following slate of officers were elected by the membership to serve on Cheema's Board of Directors for the FY 2023-2024.
Nadine Lamontagne - Commodore
Jeff Keizer- Vice-Commodore
Alana Patterson - Secretary
Tania Arruda
Bill Casey
Angela Fitzgerald
Denise MacKenzie
Janie MacKinnon
Marie Organ
Kim Thompson
Committee Chairs will be determined at the first board meeting of 2024.
Please consider volunteering for a committee once information is shared in the new year.
**Notice of Annual General Meeting **
Please take notice that the Annual Meeting of the Members* of Cheema Aquatic Club will be held as follows:
DATE: Thursday, November 30, 2023
TIME: 6:30 pm
LOCATION: Cheema Aquatic Club, Upstairs in the Multi-Purpose Room
The purpose of the meeting is to:
- Approve the minutes of the 2022 Annual General Meeting;
- Consider the annual report of directors for the year 2022-2023
- Receive the Financial report for the 2022-2023 fiscal year;
- Appoint the accounting firm for the 2023-2024 fiscal year; and
- Elect directors.
*Who is a member?
A Racing Member** who is at least 18 years old; one parent or guardian of a Racing Member who is younger than 18 years old, but if there is more than one parent or guardian of the Racing Member and they cannot agree on which parent of guardian will vote, then no parent or guardian shall vote in respect of that Racing Member;
A Board Member who is not a Racing Member or the parent or guardian of a Racing Member who is younger than 18 years old.
** To be a Racing Member, a person must:
- be registered in a program offered by the Club that has been designated by the Board of Directors as a program for the development or training of competitive paddlers; and
- pay all fees for the program.
Join our Board of Directors!
We need you! Be part of a dynamic group of volunteers "Building Canadian Youth" through the exciting sport of paddling. Serving on the Board of Directors of Cheema Aquatic Club enables you to be at the forefront of club growth and development through strategic work in an array of vital volunteer positions. There is bound to be a volunteer opportunity that fits your interests and meets Cheema's needs.
Complete the nomination form (Board of Directors Nomination Form) before 6:30 pm on November 16th and return it to the attention of alana.patterson@cheema.ca. We're looking forward to welcoming you to the Cheema Board of Directors team.
If you have questions about serving on the Board or the position that might work for you, please do not hesitate to contact Nadine Lamontagne at nadine.lamontagne@cheema.ca.
Please note: Positions where the current volunteer is re-offering are noted on the nomination form. This does not preclude you from putting your name forward for any position. It is simply meant to easily identify where our volunteer gaps and needs lie.
Dragon Boat for Beginners
Fall Registration Now Open
We're hiring! Check out the posting for an After School Program Assistant
Check out the posting for an After School Program Assistant at https://shorturl.at/hoY26 Come join our team!
Docks for Sale
Men's Kayak Coach Position
See the attached for the job desciption, duties and responsibilities.
Open House - Come See What The Fun is All About!
Job Openings in our After School Program
Summer Jobs at Cheema
AGM Results
Hello Cheema family,
We had a great AGM last night. Record-high attendance! Thank you to all of those who were able to come out and contribute to this great Club. We are a large and growing community. We will not always agree on all things; that has been clear in recent weeks. But I believe we can agree on the most important thing: we all have the best interests of this Club and our kids at heart. I heard that loud and clear last night.
I want to share the outcome of last night's meeting. We had some great interest from community members willing to serve on the Board in leadership of this Club. Here is the slate of Directors as approved last night:
- Commodore – Nadine Lamontagne
- Vice-Commodore – Jeff Keizer
- Treasurer – Connie Hetzler
- Secretary – Alana Patterson
- Past Commodore – Chris Brown
Board of Directors
- Paddling Programs – Marc Leger
- Facilities & Maintenance – Dan Kooyman (recused from policy development and voting)
- Fundraising – Monique Gray
- Safety & Paddling Operations – Bill Casey
- Volunteer Recruitment & Deployment – Irene Mong
- Awards & Recognition – Denise MacKenzie
- Diversity, Inclusion & Safe Sport – Janie MacKinnon
I am very much looking forward to working with Marc, Bill and Irene as our new Board members, and I am ever grateful to our returning Board members for their continued work in support of this Club.
We take the responsibility of sitting on this Board seriously. We heard some new and interesting ideas and concerns last night that we will be considering in the weeks ahead. We look forward to ongoing conversation with you, the members of this Club, outside of our formal AGM process.
With much gratitude,
Cheema 2022 Annual General Meeting Agenda
Hello Cheema members.
We wanted to share some details in advance of this year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM). Here are the Agenda for the meeting and Minutes from last year’s AGM.
The AGM starts at 7pm on Thursday, December 8th, second floor of the new boathouse. We will be registering voters as they arrive; we'll be on-site to start registration at 6:30pm. Those who receive a ballot upon entry (or in some cases, more than one ballot) will be eligible to vote. We will have a list of voting members on-site. If you are not on the list you will not be eligible to vote, but you are still very welcome to attend the meeting. As a reminder, the following people are eligible to vote:
- Current Board members
- Anyone currently enrolled in (and fully paid for) a racing program
- Anyone enrolled in (and fully paid for) a racing program between October 1, 2021 and September 30, 2022
It is one vote per racing member, or if the racing member is under 18 then one parent votes on their behalf -- details are in the by-laws. Racing program excludes the after-school and kiddie kayak programs.
Most of the voting will be done by show of hands. For the three contested positions on the Board of Directors (Commodore, Vice-Commodore and Diversity, Inclusion & Safe Sport), we’ll be doing a secret ballot. We will have prepared ballots which will be provided to each voting member at registration. We'll have a ballot box to collect the ballots. Votes will be counted by the Secretary, Treasurer and a scrutineer. Before the vote on the contested positions each candidate will have an opportunity to speak (3 minutes each). Once all six of the candidates have given their remarks, we'll open it up to questions and comments from members (1 question plus 1 follow-up per member).
If you have any questions please contact Alana Patterson, Secretary, at alana.patterson@cheema.ca.
We hope to see you tomorrow night!
Cheema Aquatic Club
1390 Cobequid Road
Waverley, NS
Buy A Tile and Support Cheema
Honour the memory of an alumna, pay tribute to your favourite Cheema paddler or honour a volunteer with a $100 donation to Cheema this holiday season.
As a thank you, we'll add the name/message of your choice to the walls of Cheema forever. Tiles bearing the names of donors will be installed in the main foyer of the newly expanded facility early in 2023.
What a great Christmas gift to give the person who has everything!
All eligible donations, of $20 or more, made through the National Sport Trust Fund – Cheema Aquatic Club – Frank Garner Boat House project will receive a charitable tax receipt. To donate online click here: https://donations.helpforcharities.com/sns/index.php
**Notice of Annual General Meeting **
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