
Under 12
Programming fees calculate to cost $199.00 per week or $4.98 per hour (8 hours per day).
Register HERE
The U12 program offers coached sessions in singles, crew boats, war canoes and land-based activity. For those kids who have the interest, our goal is to provide them with all the tools they need to pursue competitive paddling. For our less stable and more challenging single canoe and kayak sessions, we will group the kids according to their ability so that they experience success relative to their peers and are able to paddle together. Over the course of the summer, participants will be re-grouped frequently based on their acquired skills, fitness and group dynamics.
Our U12's typically have separate boy and girl groups that will develop team activities on and off the water, although they may be grouped together for some activities. Crew boats and war canoeing are central to our program and there will be lots of team sport activity at the McDonald Sports Park.
Other components:
- boating and water safety education and awareness
- physical literacy (competent in fundamental movement skills)
- basic canoe/kayak boat steering skills and general boat control
- ability to paddle continuously n a single and team boat
- build technical skills in all forms of canoe/kayak
- introduction to racing singles and team boats
learning to respect others and become part of a team
The program runs from July 2nd to August 22nd, with no programming on August 4th